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SKU 27208

Focus WT 3.5lb

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Source Inc
An effective nutritional aid specifically formulated to help those horses who have difficulty gaining weight, or maintaining weight while under stress. Contains generous levels of beneficial bacteria and live yeast to aid in digestion and metabolism along with sound nutrition.

Focus WT 3.5lb


Has what's missing from any other weight product. Certain horses seem to need more than good feed management and parasite control to gain weight or maintain it under stress. Providing extra calories may not be enough.

If your horse is already receiving adequate quantities of a balanced feeding program and an effective parasite control program, weight problems are probably the result of either the incomplete digestion of food, inefficient metabolism or problems related to temperament or stress.

FOCUS WT provides a unique formulation of broad spectrum support nutrients including nutritional yeast culture, enzymes, beneficial microbes, B-complex vitamins and chelated trace minerals and includes the legendary SOURCE® micronutrients to make it all work!